Other than talk about the importance of going back to school, President Obama has done little to actually make it easier. In fact, he is proposing a government takeover of the whole student loan process that might make it even harder to get that loan. While we wait to see what happens with the Obama student loans debate, you might want to sign up for a FREE NO OBLIGATION monthly drawing for a college scholarship:


Student loans are hard to get and they might be changing next year under President Obama. If you haven't heard, he is proposing to have the government toatally take over all college loans and the private companies would no longer be involved. Whether this is good or bad is debatable and Congress is going to have a big decision in front of them next year.

Whether the Obama student loans bill passes or not, everyone still needs loans and scholarships right now. There are two online sites where you can enter for free for a drawing for a $10,000 scholarship and smaller ones too. They are:

Scholarships 4 Moms - (FREE) Both men and women over 18 can sign up for this free drawing.

If student loans and student grants under Obama change, no one knows whether they will be easier or harder to get. Will minorities have an easier time getting school loans or will it become more difficult? Will non minorities be able to get loans or will they be shut out? Will back to school loans still be available or maybe there will be more of them? No one knows right now and it is a scary time if you need a school loan to get into college or to continue going to school.

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