Other than talk about the importance of going back to school, President Obama has done little to actually make it easier. In fact, he is proposing a government takeover of the whole student loan process that might make it even harder to get that loan. While we wait to see what happens with the Obama student loans debate, you might want to sign up for a FREE NO OBLIGATION monthly drawing for a college scholarship:


So far, the Obama student loans reform bill has successfully passed in the United States House of Representatives. The next step is for it to be addressed by the Senate which has not happened yet.

Surprisingly, there has been little news of this student loans bill and that has probably been because of all the attention that has been focused on health care. But just like the proposed takeover of the health care system by the government, student loans would be taken over as well if this bill is passed.

This new student loans bill would end all subsidies for the private lenders and take them out of the equation. Rather than have these companies loan the money to students and then get help from the government, the money would go directly from the government to the students.

Obviously many people are calling this another step toward socialism as the government tries to work it's way into every aspect of our lives. Do we really want the government deciding who gets and who doesn't get these student loans? In essence, they would be deciding who goes to college! It doesn't matter who is in control of the White House.

Obama student loans would save taxpayers $87 billion over a ten year span it has been estimated by the Congressional Budget Office. Supposedly that money could be spent for other things related to education such as increasing Pell Grants and making the cost of college more affordable. Does anybody really believe that will happen and trust the politicians to make it happen?

They also say that the costs of the switch could lower the savings all the way down to $47 billion and student loan companies say it would cost them 30,000 jobs. Jobs being lost is never a good thing but it would be worth it many think if this new proposal would actually work.

Obama student loans will not get voted on this year most likely and so it will be sometime in 2010 when this comes to the forefront again. Hopefully other stories will not overshadow this one and it can make front page news like it should. People need to know about this story and decide whether they really want the government taking over yet another part of our lives.

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